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ECOSHARE PTE LTD is a start-up company registered in Singapore and PNG with numerous Tropical forest and marine areas, already contracted leases or under negotiation. Currently we are focusing on a total of over two million hectares, with plans for expansion to at least five million hectares by 2023-2024. We have also signed five forward contracts with landowner clans in PNG, and we have started evaluations in two other countries.


Who we are

ECOSHARE is a private limited company based in Singapore, and a Rainforest Project Foundation Netherlands initiative (see TRP profile on “About Us”) 100% of shares will be transferred to TRP in 2024. All activities and expenses are provided and paid for by volunteers around the globe.


What we offer

  • ECOSHARE Pte Ltd is acquiring long-term tropical ecosystem leases and will manage these with landowners

  • We sell ECOSHARE certificates, each representing one hectare (2.471 acres) of tropical forests/marine areas, and we use the returns to support people and conservation and return profits to ECOSHARE certificate owners.

  • ECOSHARE Certificates will be exchanged for publicly tradable shares on our planned Singapore ECOSHARE IPO by 2028- 2029.

  • Our main goal is to keep forests and marine areas intact, while generating profits for landowners and certificate holders. By investing, you can enjoy a forest ECOSHARE commodity price-rise over the coming 100 years




We offer a newly assessed commodity that creates a new institutional asset class: TROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS. Because these irreplaceable assets are disappearing globally, secure and protected very long-term Ecoshare leases and related certificates will undergo huge long-term increases in value.


Our first certificate offer will be featured in Non-Fungible Tokens, (NFT's) at a extremely low price. Also available with direct cash purchase. Anybody can invest, and any size with a minimum of one Hectare. Private individuals, companies, governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations will be invited to join us. First investors are the actual PNG traditional and legal landowners who have agreed to join ES, and the volunteers and initiators of ECOSHARE. 

What is Ecoshare?: Projects
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