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News Update


March 2021

ECOSHARE is about to launch a major publicity drive in April 2021. We are pleased NIKKEI Asia published a nice article about ES early March. We expect and hope to follow up with another major newspaper publication in the coming weeks, and a mass mailing to commercial banks, investors, multi and bi lateral organizations and private individuals. SARS2 has had a major impact on our plans and work, but more important and serious is the escalating spread of SARS2 in Papua New Guinea. Most of the population is out of reach and way too few medical staff are available, or vaccines provided. This highlights the need for direct support to the people of PNG and the need to conserve, maintain and use the ecosystems of PNG to contain disease, and find new cures.

The first certificates have been sold. Just a few for now, and this must increase in a big way for us to start working full time on implementation of ES at our primary sites.

Further updates in April 2021.


Nikkei Asia reports on ECOSHARE

"BANGKOK -- A Singapore-based startup is working with people in Papua New Guinea to help them preserve and profit from the country's unique biodiversity.

The country that occupies the eastern half of New Guinea island boasts some of the world's largest tropical rainforests and is home to countless unidentified plants. About 85% of the 9 million Papua New Guineans live off agriculture and 40% follow a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle with little or no access to the global economy.

But this way of life is under threat due to poorly regulated harvesting and the export of resources such as wood, gold and copper."


Read More or download the PDF


The launch of ECOSHARE Pte Ltd. 10-10-2020

We are just starting to publicize the ECOSHARE mission and activities to raise investments in Papua New Guinea's ecosystems and people. Many delays prevented ES launch, but now we are finally ready! 


ECOSHARE now offers a newly assessed commodity that creates a new institutional asset class: TROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS. Because these irreplaceable assets are disappearing globally, secure and protected very long-term Ecoshare leases and related certificates will undergo long-term increases in value.


Anybody can invest, and any size with a minimum of one Hectare. Private individuals, companies, governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations will be invited to join us. First investors are the actual PNG traditional and legal landowners who have agreed to join ES, and the volunteers and initiators of ECOSHARE. 


The SARS-2 CoV19 crises has caused a lot of hardship around the world. As always, the poorest people are worst affected, and many in PNG are suffering.  It has also greatly influenced our opening and prevented a planned April Press conference in Singapore. (See our “Singapore Declaration”.)


The planned Singapore press conference to introduce ES and publish the declaration is delayed, not canceled. We will conduct the PC when we can, which is likely in early 2021. 

We now have achieved: 


  • Many PNG clans: have joined ES and are willing to include their land and marine assets. All are ready for this and all agree to receive in return for their ES investments improved livelihoods,  cash income, jobs, and support for schooling and healthcare. An estimated 1.5 million Hectares of clan lands are now included in ES, much still in need for land registration. 

  • A fully functional company: in Singapore, and legally registered in Papua New Guinea to conduct business.

  • Short surveys on six ES areas conducted: names, location, type classification, registration status videos, meetings with clan-landowners.

  • Web site: Fully functional: explanations, videos, photos, certificates etc. 

  • A lobby effort: starting concerted effort to reach as many people as possible.

  • The Singapore Declaration: signed by all participating clans, explaining participation and commitments. Published on the ES website.

  • Voluntary ES prep team: many are helping, particularly: Michael Poesi, Hans Kemp, Nadeem Farooq, and Trevor Angel… and a whole lot of others!


In the coming months we will increase our mailing output with direct lobbying efforts, social media presence and promotions, and an Op-Ed in major international Newspaper. Exclusive media publications. 


Our goal is to raise enough funds to start up ES in PNG, conduct land registration efforts, and in consultation with clans urgent-issue implementation, such as food supplement guarantees and medical emergency support.


Henry Heuveling van Beek


October/ November 2019

Our Ecoshare team is in Papua New Guinea from 2 to 18 November, visiting three provinces and five new ES sites located in Western Province, Sepik, and New Britain. We also met several land owner clan leaders from the highlands and Madang Province. All expressed their interest in ES, and are willing to join Ecoshare with their land, forests and entire ecosystems. We are signing MOUs and declarations of support. This will bring total land, sea, river, mountain and wetlands, to over two million hectares of Ecosystem land owner investment.

Our lawyers in Singapore reviewed our plans and concept. We will write up new and more detailed contracts in line with the latest regulations in Singapore and PNG by January 2020. All basic legal are met. Some restrictions to purchase ES certificate will be in place for Singapore residents. They can purchase these via The Rainforest Project Foundation in The Netherlands. Within six to 12 weeks we are ready to launch Ecoshare in Singapore and open our company to the world.


June 26, 2017

Our site and ECOSHARE “soft” launch is about to start. Our website, with key information is ready, however, will be tweaked and if needed, amended in the coming weeks. A few matters remain in the development stage. Payments are temporarily only be possible via PayPal, and direct wire transfers to our ECOSHARE bank account in Singapore. We will soon provide credit card payment and other options.

The transfer of 90% of ECOSHARE company to TRP is being prepared, however not yet completed.


January 2016

"Sustainable farmland, healthy forests, clean water, and abundant habitat stand to become more valuable as the global population climbs to nine billion by 2050. Already, pioneering investors have put together financial solutions that combine real assets, such as tropical forests, with cash flows from operations in fields such as sustainable timber, agriculture and ecotourism. Conservation finance, as this field is known, represents an undeveloped, but emerging private sector investment opportunity of major proportion."

From The Betty and Gordon More Foundation


Other information pertinent to the ECOSHARE project


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